How to Use EHallPass to Manage Your Classroom Passes

eHallpass is a great digital tool for teachers to manage bathroom and hallway passes in their classroom. Instead of using paper hall passes that can get lost or damaged, eHallpass allows you to digitally control …

How to Use EHallPass to Manage Your Classroom Passes

eHallpass is a great digital tool for teachers to manage bathroom and hallway passes in their classroom. Instead of using paper hall passes that can get lost or damaged, eHallpass allows you to digitally control and monitor student passes. With just a few clicks, you can know where each student is at all times when they leave your classroom. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to start using eHallpass to simplify your classroom pass procedures.


Set Up Your eHallpass Account

The first step is to go to the eHallpass website ( and click on the orange “Sign Up Free” button. Enter your name, email address and create a password to set up your teacher account. You can add details about your school and classroom(s). eHallpass offers a free 30-day trial so you can test it out before paying for a premium subscription.

Create Student Accounts

Once your teacher account is ready to go, you can input your roster of student names into the system. Click on the “Students” tab and then “Add Student”. Type in each student’s first and last name. If you have ID photos for students, you can upload them to associate a face with each name. This part may take a bit of time upfront but will make managing passes much easier.

Explain the Pass Process to Students

Before implementing the eHallpass system, explain to your students how it works. Go over your expectations, rules and pass time limits. Show them the difference between paper hall passes vs doing it digitally. Outline what information they’ll need to enter for each pass request. Emphasize that the system allows you to see student locations at all times for safety and accountability.

Take a Bathroom Pass

When a student needs to leave the classroom to go to the bathroom, nurse, locker, etc they simply raise their hand and ask “Can I take a hall pass?” This cues you to log into your eHallpass teacher account on your desktop or mobile device. Find the student’s name and click on “Give Pass”. Select the pass type (bathroom, nurse, locker, etc) and set a time limit for the student’s return (5 min, 10 min, etc). The student will get a notification on their device that their pass request was approved or denied. If approved, they can proceed out the classroom door.

Monitor Student Locations

The best part about eHallpass is the ability to monitor where students are once they leave the room. On the teacher dashboard, you’ll see a list of students who currently have active passes. It will display their destination type and a countdown until pass expiration. You’ll get alerted as passes are close to expiring to remind students to return. If the student doesn’t make it back in time, you simply revoke their pass which signals them to return immediately. This gives you complete supervision without having to track people down!

Review Detailed Pass Reports

In addition to real-time monitoring, eHallpass also offers detailed reports on student passes. You can view several passes per student, pass trends over time, most common destinations, and more. Review the reports to identify frequent bathroom users, tardy returns, or other patterns. This data can inform conversations with students, parents and administrators about issues that arise. Use the analytics to improve your hall pass system!

Customize Settings

Depending on your preferences, you may want to customize some of the settings in your eHallpass teacher account. You can enable student pass requests instead of only teacher-initiated ones. Switch up the pass time limits as needed. Turn notifications on or off. Update the list of pass destination types.

Go Paperless

Since digital passes remove the need for paper hall passes, take this green initiative to also reduce paper waste! Have a poster by the classroom door that reminds students they must use eHallpass. If you have old paper passes, recycle them responsibly. Share how this change eliminates printing, losing, and forging paper passes. Model sustainability for your students!

digital passes

Pro Tips

  • Load eHallpass on a tablet near the classroom door for easy access.
  • Create customized passes for individual students (IEPs, health issues, etc).
  • Occasionally check common areas for missing students.
  • Charge devices daily to avoid low battery.
  • Use color coded passes to coordinate grade levels.
  • Email parents to explain the new digital pass system.


With these steps, you’ll be ready to start digitally managing your classroom passes with eHallpass! It takes a bit of setup but saves massive time once running. Students and teachers both appreciate the transparency, accountability, and reliability of this paperless pass system. Give it a try in your classroom to improve the organization and monitoring of student hall passes. Over time students get the hang of it and it becomes a seamless process for all. The benefits certainly outweigh any hurdles to implementing an efficient eHallpass system.

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