EHallPass: How to Generate Reports and Analytics on Pass Usage

Transitioning from intuition-based paper pass management to eHallpass’s robust data-driven system generates incredibly valuable student usage insights over time. Detailed pass analytics transform traditionally invisible student movements into transparent reporting that informs impactful policies. Read …

EHallPass: How to Generate Reports and Analytics on Pass Usage

Transitioning from intuition-based paper pass management to eHallpass’s robust data-driven system generates incredibly valuable student usage insights over time. Detailed pass analytics transform traditionally invisible student movements into transparent reporting that informs impactful policies. Read on for best practices leveraging eHallpass built-in reporting to maximize oversight.


Individual Student History

Inside Dashboard > Reports > Student Activity tab, access per-student pass data like frequency, locations and durations across any timeframe. For example, the date range is a single week to assess baseline norms per individual. View trends by locations – are restroom visits daily vs once a month for lockers? See total passes taken historically and heat maps of busiest periods.

Full Classroom Analytics

The Group Activity report aggregates all students’ data classroom-wide for comparison visibility. Set filters like excluding certain pass types or durations under 30 minutes then view summations. What periods generate the highest volumes? Which days see peaks – Mondays or Fridays? Compare usage across multiple class sections teaching the same subject/age groups.

Schoolwide Hotspots

Admins also get massive School Activity insights – all passes building-wide summarized over custom periods. Truly assess student movement holistically with locations, durations aggregated across hundreds of users simultaneously from one centralized report. Uncover schoolwide trends by time of day or day of the week that inform infrastructure needs, staffing adjustments and more.

Reference Class Views

Leverage eHallpass national de-identified data as baseline comparators when interpreting internal analytics. See average pass durations by location type and grade level – how does 9th grade language arts bathroom usage compare to tens of thousands of peer classrooms? Reference external data adds helpful perspective when reviewing internal reports.

Proactive Policy Changes

The proof is in the numbers when advocating key stakeholder groups on impactful updates! Present frequency and insights from Family Activity reports during Parent Advisory meetings – evidence to support pilot programs allowing supervised digital access on devices in common areas.

Location Safety Hotspots

Do restrooms show volatile peaks and valleys signaling potential bully hideouts between periods? Are nurse visits up 300% seasonally from winter dry air symptoms? Isolate Rooms/Locations to make data-driven infrastructure improvements keeping all students comfortable, healthy and secure.

Teacher Accountability

Prevent insider threats leveraging Audit Log tracking staff oversight patterns long term. Records include all Teacher pass actions like Approvals/Denials, Duration overrides and Revocations. Ensure education staff take hall monitoring seriously crosschecking Audit Log alignments with their roster supervision.

District Benchmarking

De-identified and aggregated cross-district analytics provide macro pass usage comparisons, opening constructive dialogues on strengths and growth areas between leadership. Participate in collaborative Working Groups across regions/states to align supervision policies and best practices based on factual evidence.

Enhanced Services for High-Needs Students

Go beyond surface-level reporting by cross-referencing Healthcare Plan indicators, IEP designations or 504 Accommodations status against power users. Say Alejandro’s pass frequency ranks #2 schoolwide – overlay Support Services status illuminates needs prompting accommodations for bathroom timing leniency secondary to digestive conditions.

EHallPass Portal

Family Communications

Looped into student oversight, shared interactive pass histories during Parent/Teacher conferences. Show Family Portal visibility settings allowing custom alerts for guardians related to tardy returns, frequency spikes or locations like Nurse visits. Uniting school + home provides parents transparency into their child’s needs.


Education insights software pioneer eHallpass makes student safety and digital oversight analytics effortless. Evaluating rich pass usage reports at the individual, classroom, schoolwide and even district levels enables proactive support unmatched by siloed paper sign-in logs. Review this playbook detailing best practice reporting techniques at varying stakeholder spectrums – translate enhanced visibility into meaningful improvements for staff and students!

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